
Summer's been a bit busy for bloggin'?

Dear fans (Hi Mom!), 

While Mitch and I have had an eventful summer, I've been awful about updating about all things summer time. So, here is a montage of photos from my iPhone and our Californian camera. 

We've moved to Newark! Of course, I miss Brooklyn everyday, but Newark warks!
Here's our new view. Not too shabby, huh? 
Since we've moved in, after a little junket in Brazil, Winnipeg, and a few in Poughkeepsie, we've been eating a lot of ice cream (though, not as much as Minhee) and catching up with friends. 

We went to the hot air balloon festival in Poughkeepsie!
Mitch, Minhee, my cousin Ahrhim, and I left the house at 5:20am to see them!
We were in Poughkeepsie because my grandparents were in town and it was my grandmother's birthday! (note, despite the box, Minhee totally made that cake)
My closest friend Kelly visited us, and we took a trapeze class. We learned to back flip and hang and all kinds of thangs :)
Mitch and I sailed down the Hudson at sunset - it was way fancier than what we're used to! 
They gave us craft beer and bubbly. It was so fun. 
We went back to Poughkeepsie for a weekend and hung out in New Paltz! There was ice cream involved here, too... :)
Back in Brooklyn, Mitch and I FINALLY saw Thao and the Get Down Stay Down. They were EXCELLENT!
Mantra to live by? 
Mitch and I finally went to the Ai Wei Wei exhibition at Brooklyn Museum. It was brilliant. 
like Kimchi Bouillabaisse, right?!
Hopefully, I'll remember to post before the summer ends! SCARY fact: There are only three weeks left until the fall semester starts back up. :/ 

Things to look forward to: I'm going to Maine next weekend and Mitch will be going to hockey camp. Then, some friends are visiting, Minhee and Mitch are dragging me to go see the Shining, our close friends are getting married, and then, the annual Bushuk pilgrimage to NY is happening! 

Until next time!


The Third Summer Bloggin'

YOU GUYS, Its beautiful outside!
Allergies anyone? Well, its about time!
I think Mitch and I might be back on the blog! A bit early this year, but I have goals to be better about keeping friends and family updated (Hi mom!). We have a few things planned, so stay tuned!

Love, M&M


Oops, I did it again....

In this case, I mean that I messed up and put off posting. AND NOW, Summer is over. I've started school, and Mitch will be starting up again on Tuesday. We've had a great time this month, and I'm definitely sad to see it go.

Well, let's see...the trip. Unfortunately, we had several camera mishaps...and we can't prove that we ever did our two week road trip down the West Coast. BUT here are the few snaps that we were able to hold onto (with our lives). Here goes.... (I'm sorry about the fuzzy iphone photos to start.)
This was, of course, our ride! A Fiat 500! What a dream it was... besides the episode when we had to drive Minhee and Sunah with luggage. That was quite a tight fit. 
This is quite the wonderful Seattle Public Library!
These are the incredible Redwoods at Humbolt Redwoods State Park! We camped here overnight.  
This is at Big Sur, which is one of the most magical places on earth. I can't wait to go back. Maybe our camera's memory card is still there, and we'll be able to show you more of what's there! 
The things on the shore are not boulders...they're elephant seals, which are one of the most unattractive creatives on earth. They're like Gonzo. Remember him? 
My grandparents were so pumped to meet Mitch. They spoiled us with grapes! 
I took Mitch to Intelligentsia in Silver Lake...for some very overpriced single origins. 
Mitch had to try In-N-Out... They have nothing vegetarian, so I ate my grandma's 약식. 
We went to LACMA, which is where we realized that we lost all of our photos...on the second to last day of our trip. :/
But we forgot about the trauma a little, with a bit of soon tofu with my grandparents!
This place had bike-churned ice cream. For reallllll
Some highlights from the trip:
-Minhee and Sunah were able to come down to Portland from Seattle with us!
-We went to Ona Beach in Oregon, which is a beach that my family used to frequent when we were younger. Its more beautiful than I remember.
-We also stopped in Dayton, OR, where my grandfather's farm used to stand. It was sold in the 90's, and it has since been foreclosed. The house where my family used to live is still there, but the place looks a bit devastated. It was hard to look at it in that state, but I'm glad we went.
-Big Sur.
-Kristina was the best hostess in SF!
-We had a bit of a sketchy camping experience in Los Padres National Forest, which ended up working out just fine. ...an appropriate episode to our road trip.
-Of course, we visited some of America's best ice cream shops........
The list could go on forever. We can't wait to be able to do a trip like this again! Next up, Yosemite!

Thanks to great friends and family, the trip ended up being a grand success!

Since then, we've been doing a lot around Brooklyn and Philly! Minhee moved in, as soon as we returned. She's living in the same zip code in Brooklyn, so that's very cool. I'm excited for her! After her first day of orientation, we went to see ET at Bryant Park. It was their last summer open-air movie, so it was quite the zoo!

This photo doesn't do an adequate job of depicting the number of people at the park. 
I had to get to Philly in a bit of hurry for a TA orientation. After countless trips to Ikea and Target, I am finally living in Philly like a functional human. Mitch came and stayed for a while, and we were able to do a fair amount of setting up and hanging out.
I had suggested that we go to a Phillies game... Little did I know that it would turn out to be the longest Phillies game in history! Thank goodness for good company...and a life-saving pretzel.
This weekend is Labor Day weekend, and Mitch's family is visiting New York! There will be a bit of US Open, a bit of Poughkeepsie, and a lot of wonderful meals. That'll mark the end of summer.

I hope everyone's summer was as swell as ours! We'll see you next year! I don't know if I'll make it through this semester, but we'll see...  ;) There are climbing walls at Temple, so hopefully, that'll help me to stay sane! In the meantime, I'm keeping a blog regarding public history for a class... so you can visit me there. 


And onto a new wave

The heat wave has FINALLY, passed! Its been pleasantly in the 80's. A few days ago, I wore a denim jacket...on denim, on denim, on denim. We haven't been sleeping with the AC! and its delightful!

We went to Boston over the weekend. Home of great friends and Indian food (oh, and things like colleges and sports)! It was SUCH a beautiful weekend. We ate REALLY well, went to Crane Beach, played with dogs, got to see great friends, and ate our body weight in berries~ It was lovely.

Mitch and I are off to Seattle-Portland-Redwoods-SF-Big Sur-LA and all things coastal on Thursday... I'll be bringing you tons of photos, so stay tuned! I hope to eat approximately one ice cream cone every other day, as well as see tons of friends and family.

In the meantime, Mitch is currently obsessed with this one!


Il y a longtemps indeed!

We'll admit, the summer is very well-underway. Its mid-July, and we kept forgetting to update! Erin, my friend and social media muse, snapchatted me from Israel today and reminded be to put the blog through a renaissance.

We've definitely been happy about this summer season (despite the endless heat that we've been having in Brooklyn!). Mostly, I'm excited for quality time with all of my friends, family, and beaches.
This is a beach at Isla Mujeres, where Mitch and I started the summer in April! Can't wait for more beaches (foreshadowing)!
Here we go!

Well, we moved to Clinton Hill! and then, I moved again ...to Philly! and soon, Minhee will be moving to Brooklyn! Its a summer of moving!
You can't really tell, but we moved on the first day of this summer's first 90 degree heat wave.
We're also SO pumped about our trip to the West Coast in August. It started to feel real last weekend when we were booking a few accommodations.
In the meantime, we'll taking a few weekend trips here and there. Summer is great for spending quality time with the best friends!

Besides that, Mitch and I recently came back from a great 2 week trip to Toronto and Winnipeg. OK, here's a photo montage of the last few weeks!
If grad school doesn't pan out, I think I'll start a Sushi on Bloor franchise in Philly.
Baby Girl CONVOCATED (<--if only that could be a verb). 
We're all the same height. 
My favorite boys at the annual Chubey Invitational
Bridge to BDI, for some of.....
these glorious things. 
A lovely lunch at Moxie's
Surprisingly, it took us no time to get to this stadium, contrary to omens.
And then, the culminating birthday bash! 
Got it? :)

We'll be better about updating more promptly. In the meantime, enjoy the heat wave! Its a serious one.


and so concludes our summer

Happy February! This is the last post before our next summer adventure!

I successfully completed my goals! Mitch and I went to see Amour at the eleventh hour, and that was that. Amour is nominated in 5 categories, including Best Picture and Best Foreign Language Film. My take on it is that....its just emotionally devastating.... If you can handle and enjoy this movie, you are a champ.

The sixth temporary exhibit was Lunch Hour at the New York Public Library, and it was the best exhibit of the month. It was quirky, historical, educational, and so much fun! I went there accidentally, as an alternative when I arrived at the Morgan Library as they were closing. I remembered the NYPL exhibit, so ducked over and checked it out. It was a great decision. I 100% recommend it to anyone in New York!

Basically, this is the predecessor to the vending machine. They had little recipe cards for visitors to take. :) CUTE. 
I love peanut butter on a raft in the morning!
This is the first entryway into the exhibit. 
What else?! On the topic of books, I was able to finish my fourth and last book yesterday as well.
I was spoiled by Adichie's book. These were good, but not great. 
I have to say, I expected more from Living for Change and Tea in the Harem.. Anyway, Charef's book is a good one to have in my repertoire for my research. And...I knew I wouldn't like This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald as soon as I started it. Still, I'm glad I read it!

My next reading adventures will be Jean Genet's Prisoner of Love, Timothy Pachirat's Every Twelve Seconds, and Daniel Gordon's Immigrants and Intellectuals. Then, I must finish Soledad Brother by George Jackson...I've prolonged this one for too long. I'm hoping to keep the four books per month goal going while I'm not in school. :)

And so concludes January. We'll be back soon... and in the meantime, stay warm and eat a lot of root vegetables!

To end this chapter off, here are a few countdowns:
9 days to the lunar new year.
...14 days to the North Face.
...23 days to the Oscars.
...a few more to Mitch's birthday.
...and, 2 and a half months to the Mexican heat! :) Maybe we'll see you there? 


Upon Arrival

Mitch came home(!!!!!!) to the land of low 20's and frozen feet, ahead of schedule and ready for a weekend of fun! Supposedly, he went to Antarctica in order to take measurements of glaciers and to brave the cold and wind.... BUT, at first glance, you might think he returned from the Caribbean.... That tan is suspicious. :)
The view! This is a display of Mitch's masterful instagramming skills. 
Since his arrival, we've been chipping away at my list of to-do's, and he's encouraging me to continue the blog posts through January. So, here it is, a photo montage of the last couple of days:
We went to AMNH and, of course, visited the whales. That was 2 of 2 permanent exhibits. 
We went skating in Central Park (which is wildly expensive and New York could learn a thing or two from Canada). SO FUN! It also snowed all day, so skating was that much more fun/beautiful/romantic/lovely! 
We also went to an event at Kinfolk, which Minhee would have loved! They had a few artists do figure drawings of some brave volunteers, striking a pose in the nude. It was really a neat little 'temporary exhibit'! :) 
Kelly gave me a Baking/Grilling Stone for my birthday (cool, huh?!), and Mitch and I put it to good use yesterday! We made homemade pizza, and it was so delicious!
Its a before and after (the dough is a smitten kitchen recipe, by the way!)! Check out that beautiful stone!
We spent Sunday (...well, lamenting the defeat of Murray in the Aussie Open AND) eating all things eataly - including some very delicious tiramisú!
These were divine! Birthday round 2. :) 
We also bought some bread and fresh pasta from eataly and ate them for dinner while watching hockey...because we can do that now. :) In reality, there were a lot of delicious and fresh meals and snacks that aren't pictured above. Here is a shout out to my mom for stocking my fridge with delicious korean delights! Thanks mom!

Mitch's early and safe return made for a great weekend! The whole situation could not have turned out better. :)

Now, the last few days of January are upon us, and I have one more temporary exhibit to see, one more movie to watch, and one more book to read. Can I do it?! TUNE IN SOON!

Let's hope for more snow!