
Summer's been a bit busy for bloggin'?

Dear fans (Hi Mom!), 

While Mitch and I have had an eventful summer, I've been awful about updating about all things summer time. So, here is a montage of photos from my iPhone and our Californian camera. 

We've moved to Newark! Of course, I miss Brooklyn everyday, but Newark warks!
Here's our new view. Not too shabby, huh? 
Since we've moved in, after a little junket in Brazil, Winnipeg, and a few in Poughkeepsie, we've been eating a lot of ice cream (though, not as much as Minhee) and catching up with friends. 

We went to the hot air balloon festival in Poughkeepsie!
Mitch, Minhee, my cousin Ahrhim, and I left the house at 5:20am to see them!
We were in Poughkeepsie because my grandparents were in town and it was my grandmother's birthday! (note, despite the box, Minhee totally made that cake)
My closest friend Kelly visited us, and we took a trapeze class. We learned to back flip and hang and all kinds of thangs :)
Mitch and I sailed down the Hudson at sunset - it was way fancier than what we're used to! 
They gave us craft beer and bubbly. It was so fun. 
We went back to Poughkeepsie for a weekend and hung out in New Paltz! There was ice cream involved here, too... :)
Back in Brooklyn, Mitch and I FINALLY saw Thao and the Get Down Stay Down. They were EXCELLENT!
Mantra to live by? 
Mitch and I finally went to the Ai Wei Wei exhibition at Brooklyn Museum. It was brilliant. 
like Kimchi Bouillabaisse, right?!
Hopefully, I'll remember to post before the summer ends! SCARY fact: There are only three weeks left until the fall semester starts back up. :/ 

Things to look forward to: I'm going to Maine next weekend and Mitch will be going to hockey camp. Then, some friends are visiting, Minhee and Mitch are dragging me to go see the Shining, our close friends are getting married, and then, the annual Bushuk pilgrimage to NY is happening! 

Until next time!

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