
Upon Arrival

Mitch came home(!!!!!!) to the land of low 20's and frozen feet, ahead of schedule and ready for a weekend of fun! Supposedly, he went to Antarctica in order to take measurements of glaciers and to brave the cold and wind.... BUT, at first glance, you might think he returned from the Caribbean.... That tan is suspicious. :)
The view! This is a display of Mitch's masterful instagramming skills. 
Since his arrival, we've been chipping away at my list of to-do's, and he's encouraging me to continue the blog posts through January. So, here it is, a photo montage of the last couple of days:
We went to AMNH and, of course, visited the whales. That was 2 of 2 permanent exhibits. 
We went skating in Central Park (which is wildly expensive and New York could learn a thing or two from Canada). SO FUN! It also snowed all day, so skating was that much more fun/beautiful/romantic/lovely! 
We also went to an event at Kinfolk, which Minhee would have loved! They had a few artists do figure drawings of some brave volunteers, striking a pose in the nude. It was really a neat little 'temporary exhibit'! :) 
Kelly gave me a Baking/Grilling Stone for my birthday (cool, huh?!), and Mitch and I put it to good use yesterday! We made homemade pizza, and it was so delicious!
Its a before and after (the dough is a smitten kitchen recipe, by the way!)! Check out that beautiful stone!
We spent Sunday (...well, lamenting the defeat of Murray in the Aussie Open AND) eating all things eataly - including some very delicious tiramisú!
These were divine! Birthday round 2. :) 
We also bought some bread and fresh pasta from eataly and ate them for dinner while watching hockey...because we can do that now. :) In reality, there were a lot of delicious and fresh meals and snacks that aren't pictured above. Here is a shout out to my mom for stocking my fridge with delicious korean delights! Thanks mom!

Mitch's early and safe return made for a great weekend! The whole situation could not have turned out better. :)

Now, the last few days of January are upon us, and I have one more temporary exhibit to see, one more movie to watch, and one more book to read. Can I do it?! TUNE IN SOON!

Let's hope for more snow! 

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