
and so concludes our summer

Happy February! This is the last post before our next summer adventure!

I successfully completed my goals! Mitch and I went to see Amour at the eleventh hour, and that was that. Amour is nominated in 5 categories, including Best Picture and Best Foreign Language Film. My take on it is that....its just emotionally devastating.... If you can handle and enjoy this movie, you are a champ.

The sixth temporary exhibit was Lunch Hour at the New York Public Library, and it was the best exhibit of the month. It was quirky, historical, educational, and so much fun! I went there accidentally, as an alternative when I arrived at the Morgan Library as they were closing. I remembered the NYPL exhibit, so ducked over and checked it out. It was a great decision. I 100% recommend it to anyone in New York!

Basically, this is the predecessor to the vending machine. They had little recipe cards for visitors to take. :) CUTE. 
I love peanut butter on a raft in the morning!
This is the first entryway into the exhibit. 
What else?! On the topic of books, I was able to finish my fourth and last book yesterday as well.
I was spoiled by Adichie's book. These were good, but not great. 
I have to say, I expected more from Living for Change and Tea in the Harem.. Anyway, Charef's book is a good one to have in my repertoire for my research. And...I knew I wouldn't like This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald as soon as I started it. Still, I'm glad I read it!

My next reading adventures will be Jean Genet's Prisoner of Love, Timothy Pachirat's Every Twelve Seconds, and Daniel Gordon's Immigrants and Intellectuals. Then, I must finish Soledad Brother by George Jackson...I've prolonged this one for too long. I'm hoping to keep the four books per month goal going while I'm not in school. :)

And so concludes January. We'll be back soon... and in the meantime, stay warm and eat a lot of root vegetables!

To end this chapter off, here are a few countdowns:
9 days to the lunar new year.
...14 days to the North Face.
...23 days to the Oscars.
...a few more to Mitch's birthday.
...and, 2 and a half months to the Mexican heat! :) Maybe we'll see you there? 

1 comment:

  1. wait...what? this blog is done? what just happened? i'm confused.
