
So Many Emotions

The Oscar Nominations have been announced! It couldn't have been a worse year for movies... I hope Beasts of the Southern Wild takes every nomination home... sadly the Academy will probably end up praising Spielberg's senility, instead (I'm not discounting Daniel Day-Lewis' performance here). Oh, Chasing Ice is mentioned! And its still in theaters in New York!

A couple more:
I went to the Brooklyn Navy Yard's museum: BLDG92. Its a fairly new museum (1 of 2 permanent exhibits - accomplishing, whew!), and its also super close by.
This is the awesome entrance to the museum. How cool.
This is across the street.  
The exhibition is three floors of documents, objects, and multimedia.  
The rest of the Brooklyn Navy Yard can only be accessed by tenants or via a tour...which I'd love to do. :)
I learned a few things about Brooklyn's history and, in particular, the history of the Navy Yard. I'd definitely recommend it! So...that's two history museums in a week.

I also made these cookies tonight (2? of 4 smitten kitchen recipes!):
I wasn't able to take a photo though, since I've only gotten as far as chilling them. I'm trying to get rid of the eggs in my fridge, so baking and freezing is the go-to strategy. I'm afraid that I'm going to run out of space at some point. Though, the good news is that the amount of kale in my possession is manageable now!

Another day, another adventure! 

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