
Let it snow already!

Last night, my friends and I went to see Gangster Squad, starring Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Stone (2 of 4 movies!)....and it was AMAZINGly awful and highly entertaining. I couldn't help laughing through the whole thing, from the chase scenes to the cheesy dialogue. It was too good.

The only thing about yesterday was, it rained pretty hard last night...and it still feels pretty damp. What's with mid-January? During elementary school, there was a snow day on the Friday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and my birthday party was going to be off the hook. Unfortunately, the oil company couldn't come to the house, because our driveway was frozen over. I remember being upset because my friends couldn't come over to go sledding. This doesn't get old...We went sledding on our front yard a week ago. It was so fun. Dear skies, please snow.

Today, I got up early and went bouldering. By going earlier on, I figured there would be less of an audience, since bouldering is a very social activity. People tend to watch others climb a route and try to learn the best moves to solve a problem. If you get stuck, someone will point out a rock or express solidarity.
I love climbing (top rope...with harnesses, a belayer, and the ropes), and I try to go once/twice per week. With my usual climbing friend injured and Mitch, gone, I've been left without a partner. So, I decided that its finally time to brave bouldering. I've tried it a number of times, but I can't seem to shake the fear of jumping (or falling!) from the top of the wall (or anywhere from the wall...) to the mat. It seems like a great way to mess up my knee again (and again and again). Anyway, I'd say that the trip was fairly successful. I haven't fallen from the bouldering wall yet (though its only a matter of time), and I have to say that I was über cautious about my movements. I'll get over this fear eventually. In the meantime, practice makes...better.

Then, I went home and saw this thing....which initiated one of my daily rituals of losing faith in humanity.

To cheer myself up, I went to a café called the Primrose in Clinton Hill (that's 1 of 4 new cafés - frankly, I'll have no trouble accomplishing this goal).
It is SO darling. Its in the half-basement of a brownstone. Their americano is divine, and they have boardgames! I couldn't have felt more at home. I'll be back there in no time!

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! 

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