
A day in the Upper West Side

I spent yesterday in the Upper West Side. While I was up there, I decided to visit the New-York Historical Society's WWII & NYC (That's 2 of 6 temporary exhibits!).

That's Frederick Douglass standing at the side doorway of the museum. 
This was part of the exhibit, and I thought it was funny...especially the "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS" marquée.
I thought it was well done, but I prefer other exhibitions that the historical society has put on. This one felt a bit single-layered...I wish it was in a larger space for more objects and text. There was a really interesting 20-minute film by Francis Lee, which I really enjoyed. 

I had to kill some time after the museum visit. According to Oliver Strand, there is a dearth of good cafés in the Upper West Side. Instead, I excitedly spent my time at Aroma Espresso for some halumi salad and carrot juice. YUM. I love that salad. 

Last night, one of my dearest friends from forever ago had a recital with another pianist at Mannes College of Music. Sarah and I used to play in a few orchestras together, and she's obviously kept with it way better than I have! The recital was so fantastic! Both played beautifully, and it was so nice to see Sarah play some classical! Usually, I see her in more rocker chic acts. There were a few pieces in the program that I recognized, and others that were new with contemporary sounds. I loved it. BIG FAN!
In retrospect, I should have taken a photo WITH her. :) I need to get better at using my camera everywhere!
I start a new job on Monday, so I'm trying to get as many other goals accomplished in the meantime. More soon!


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