
So much kale!

A few days ago I bought too much kale... so I've been looking for ways to use as much as possible (hence the kale cheddar muffins from the other day). Today, I tried a smitten kitchen recipe (1 of 4? It might be too easy to count as one of the accomplishments). I made baked kale chips! They are crunchy and delicious!
And what to do with the stalks? Save them for a broth!

I also finished this book:
This book was interesting the whole time. The ending is amazingly sad, and I keep thinking about it...and what it would feel like to be one of the sisters. 
I first heard of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie during my obsessed-with-TED-talks phase during undergrad. She also came highly recommended by the New Yorker's list of "20 under 40." AND she is an admirer of Chinua Achebe, and they often come up in conversation together. Some of my favorite books are by Achebe, and if she's inspired by his oeuvres, I figured this book would be a sure bet. I flew through Half of the Yellow Sun! I highly recommend this one!!!! I'm gushing! I'm glad to have this time out of school to read fiction (though nonfiction is where my heart truly lies). :) We'll see what I end up reading next...

So, a wonky thing is happening with January 19th.... Isn't this upsetting? WHY?! 

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