
Un Petit Peut d'Être? JAJAJA

To summarize our trip to Winnipeg, here's a bit of a photo montage (in chronological order)!

We saw Wintersleep in Winterpeg (thanks to Kevin!)! We were standing behind some amazing fans.
Mitch's grandparents had their sixtieth anniversary! It was a great day of fun!
and we played a heated round of croquet!
Winnipeg men fish in the Red River.
We canoed/kayaked on that same awesome river!
We had one nice afternoon at Victoria Beach, so we went for a swim. It was...frigid. 

Evening walks in the sand (scallops) are one of my favorite things.
We also got to see the construction for the new national Human Rights museum. Still a bit puzzled...
We also got to play tennis, golf (for the first time for me!), eat delicious homemade meals, watch the French Open, explore the downtown, and more. Winnipeg is great, because it is so outdoorsy. I can imagine it would be awesome in good weather. Unfortunately, while I was there, it rained quite a bit, but we still had such a great time! 

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