
back to Fort Greene, home of live afrojazz and tree-lined streets

Mitch and I are back in Brooklyn! After a month apart - finding purpose in our summers through seminars, research, educational experiences, trials and errors - its great to be in comfort of familiarity. Since we got back, we've been busy, but we're in the process of finding our groove in routine normalcy.

Greece was fantastic! I was so sad to say goodbye to my new family of Zorbians! After spending ten days constantly together - eating and drinking, touring, sunbathing, reading, and stressing out about our presentations - we got to know each other really quickly. ...I hope our paths will cross someday soon! 
My new friends, after eating a delicious Greek dinner!

After the seminar, I flew to Santorini, where buildings are white-washed and blue-domed. With the stark contrast of arid fields and blue seas, along with the disorderly concentration of white concrete buildings, my amateur photo snapping habit was sufficient for beautiful results! It was awesome. Also! I stayed at Caveland, which was the most beautiful hostel I've ever seen!
After my stay in Santorini, I went to Athens for one night before flying back to New York. On the day of my flight out, I woke up with the sun to see the Acropolis. I snapped a few dozen photos, ate my last Greek yogurt in Greece (topped with pine honey and muesli!!!), and made my way to the Athens airport. I was ready to come home - now its just the home stretch before school starts back up... and for a section of my work with the Guantánamo Public Memory Project to end (yikes!).
Since we've gotten back from Greece/New Foundland, Mitch and I have been hanging out. We went to Poughkeepsie for dinner two nights ago, and to Mitch's aunt and uncle's for dinner last night. In summation, we've been eating really well. Today was our first day back to work, and I'm about to head home to make some pizza dough. Mom made pesto! :)
More on Brooklyn later!


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