
Rewind and Fast Forward

Since so much time has gone by (June, in particular), I'm going to go through a SUPER quick spin through time.

I've officially COMMENCED life,...or finished at the New School for Social Research. The ceremony was nice and no-frills...besides having to hear the story about our school, again, ad nauseum. I'll spare you, but it was a lovely. I'm happy to have gone! Here it is:

Then, I took a city-hiatus to Hanover, NH - home of another Orozco mural and Dartmouth College. I got to see Mitch's experiments, the beginning of the summer of scallops. It was really neat to see these things in person, beyond a neon colored graph on a computer screen (which is still cool!). Maybe Mitch will explain what these majestic things are sometime? Otherwise, they're these neon images on a computer screen - water flows through them, melting away the ice and creating these scallops...like on the edges of your skirts, ladies! 

ICEEEEEEE - different from the Slurpee
While Mitch was in the Bay Area, I visited my love, Cecily, in Philly. It was my first 2012 heat wave, and also, this year's first iced coffee! I spent the weekend meeting some of Cec's friends, tubing, eating delicious food, drinking watermelon wheat beer, and generally having the best time! It was wonderful way to spend Memorial Day Weekend!

I can sleep at night now.
Look how happy she looks! Cec-ily!

Then, MITCH CAME HOME. :) ...And after a bit of time in Brooklyn, we geared up for our trip to Winnipeg (its the odd polygon in the center of the Venn diagram). Winnipeg warrants its own entry, so more on this later. 

Thanks for reading! 
In solidarity, 

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