
With this post, I'm about caught up! Celebrate!

Mitch and I are off to Toronto tomorrow. We will be celebrating the birth of one of our dearest friends, KEVIN...he just turned TWENTY-5! He's one of my favorites, and I wish him the very best! Mitch's brother will be meeting us there, and we're making it a bit of a weekend. I don't know what or where yet, but I'm sure there will be plenty of booze and good times. 

Unconditional Bromance
Visiting Toronto a few times a year has become a bit of a ritual. We always end up eating and drinking so much when we're there, especially because its usually just for a weekend. And its a no-brainer: Restaurants and bars are the best social venues for catching up with old friends and getting sad about not living in Toronto anymore. I hope to see some of my besties, drink great coffee, and walk around deep Queen West. 

SO before we leave, I thought I'd remind myself and everyone else, how nice we have it in Brooklyn...irrational and impractical feelings aside. Here it is:

A love note to Brooklyn (accompanied by a random array of photos): 

B is for Biggie, our comrade-in-arms and guardian of Fort Greene.

R is for our ROCKING view. It'll be tough to ever give this up. :) 

OO is for the infinite amounts of love. 

K is for how Kooky this blog post is. This note seemed do-able before I started it, but I quickly realized that I don't have that many photos... :) KOOKY. 

Right by Fort Greene Park!

L is for the this lovely mural in Clinton Hill! 
I'm a sucker for street art. This is too-cool map of Brooklyn!
Y is for yoga, because I get to do a lot of it in Brooklyn....? 

N is for the Brooklyn NETS, and how we're all both, terrified and excited for the stadium's grand opening... 

Dear Brooklyn, 

Thank you for being so un-Manhattan. The cleaner air, tree-lined streets, live music, or just a great music scene in general, the mecca of food, the views, open-air movies (Mitch and I just saw Wall-E in a nearby garden!), summer race series, independent bookstores, and coffee shops - you rock. so much.


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