
Janvier, my favorite month

HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS! I hope everyone's holidays were all full stomachs, loud music, choreographed dance, and DIY ornaments! I know mine......was almost all of these things. :)

I went to a party with a thousand and one friends in Williamsburg last night. I was apprehensive during the planning phase (so many friends in one place), but it turned out to be great fun. The music was so fantastic, and the space was really neat. We toasted on the rooftop at midnight (no ball drop! dream come true!) I'm so glad I went! Here are a few photos from the party:

Tonight, the Korean diaspora will probably eat dduk-gook (떡국) (wikipedia has some crazy anglo-spelling for this!) for New Years (though the lunar new year celebration is bigger! Its on February 10th this year, and its the year of the sssssSnake.)
Here's to some cyber - (vegetarian) 떡국! Now you're one year older than yesterday!

Alors - for this January month, as I take Brooklyn (and possibly other boroughs of New York City) head-on, I plan to blog my heart out! My Leica is ready, so I'll be snapping away and nauseating you with endless ramblings.

There are four weeks, or (30 days hath September,...) 31 days, until Mitch's homecoming. Well, 30 after today. In that time, I will:

Try 4 new recipes from the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook.
Read 4 books.
Try 4 new coffeeshops (I religiously read up on the Scoop).
Go to 4 movies.
See 6 temporary collections; 2 permanent collections.
Try 2 new restaurants.
Attend 2 pottery classes (one's already booked with Erin!).
Go bouldering at least twice; climb more.
Memorize the Prokofiev; learn the Vilinsky.
...and last, but certainly not least, get a job (the kind that pays).

I'll blog some things I find along the way, too!

ANYWAY, wow, 2013! Happy New Year everyone!
Let's make it a good one.

In Solidarity, 

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