
hello, bonsoir, and 안녕!

Welcome to our cyber-log and banter of a pseudo-random summer of bliss, research, hot and humid weather, pique-nique comme le français, food, probably sunburns, and hopefully some beers and some beaches - together and apart. :)  2012 really must be the last year of our lives - its been strange and continues to be a bit strange. Mitch will be all over the map - mostly icy, in and outdoor, places. I'll be more-or-less here, à Brooklyn/Poughkeepsie, with some non-academic summer goals and a killer reading list...with a side of here and there.

SO...dear gods and goddesses of summer, Bring it on!

As a first post to rei(g)n in the season, here's a bit of good news: Today I was hired to work with the Guantánamo Public Memory Project! Y'all will hear more details soon, I'm sure, as I become more involved and then, more stressed out about deadlines. :)

In the meantime, here's a little sumthin' sumthin' played by two very beautiful people (I'm a little bit obsessed with this duo):

In solidarity,

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