
2013 Gets Better and Better

The first week of January has been so eventful and exciting!

In terms of goals, I saw the Frankenweenie (that's 1 of 4 movies), and I went skiing on Thursday (it has been a good winter for skiing so far!!! Hopefully more trips to come!).

And then!!!
One of my oldest (by this, I don't mean age...right? ESL moment?) and best friends, KELLY, came to visit me in Brooklyn from Brook Line. :) It was so fabulous! After an amazing lunch at Dino, we took a spinning class at the famous soul cycle. We were both, excited and terrified for our bodies. Whew! -  and nothing a bit of pinkberry couldn't fix. We had a great time! And she stayed for..............this:

On Sunday, my friends came over for a brunch party.
Doesn't it look like a springtime brunch? ITS JANUARY. Bring on the snow! 
It was filled with all kinds of breakfast foods and so much of it... (I somehow acquired three dozen eggs in my fridge...?!) I made banana bread, coconut muffins, and kale cheddar muffins - and they all came out well.
These are the kale cheddar muffins! Even Dan, a non-kale eater, took a bite and sort of enjoyed it.
After all of this, everyone left, and Kelly returned to Brook Line... leaving me to realize that it is officially January. Même pas peur! Let's do this! 

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