
Chapter 2! A cold summer

Its been so long since I've updated, but this post begins a new chapter of the blog. ACJSUMMER, will be an Antarctic summer for this January. :) ...meaning, Mitch will be in Antarctica in a couple of short weeks, and I'll be adventuring in Brooklyn/New York City. I'm working on a list of exhibits, places, and to-do's...it'll be SUPER. Be excited, as I'll be updating often and with photos. :)

This is the Prosecco I drank at our most recent party. That date on the cork is the day Mitch heads off to Mars/Antarctica! :) Send him good thoughts - He's embarking on some serious science.
So - check back soon!
Until then, I hope everyone has a safe and lovely Christmas and New Year! 메리 크리스마스

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